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Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Cheat Point Blank PB 18 Maret 2011 Full Hack+Minimize+Bpe 18032011

Fitur Fullhack
F1 = Char hack And Beret GM
F2 = Char hack And Beret SG
F3 = Char hack And Beret Assault
F4 = Char hack And Beret AWP
F5 = Char hack And Beret SMG
F6 = Char hack And Beret Secondary
DELETE = RESET Char Hack And Beret
Spion Hack = F11
Exit Pb = Pause break
Panah Bawah = RESET CARD

Cara Pengunaan Char Hacks and Beret :
Pass Diloby Tekan Hotkey Lalu Klik Char Agan lalu star dan OFF Kan Pas Sedang Mempersiapkan Game

* Fitur: Minimaze
ALT = Minimaze

Download Cheat Point Blank PB 18 Maret 2011 Full Hack+Minimize+Bpe 18032011

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